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Rao Noma
energy work

People say I have golden hands. My approach allows for the space to appear within oneself. This in turn inspires to take needed action directly contributing to the betterment of one's life. In case of physical ailments energy healing relieves the body as well as enables a deeper glimpse into the true causes of a problem that often lay in childhood wounds and past lifetimes. Emotional trauma can be brought into the daylight where we would gently but slowly get used to its presence, so enabling the transformation. General feeling of letting go as if the burden was taken away, feeling stress-free after the longest time are common effects of my healing approach.

Energy work is held over distance. It's effects are no less strong then through direct contact as this way we focus solely on the 'invisible'.

But after all, healing work is not a 'work' in itself. It is a passion for life that, through our own conscious effort, can manifest itself in ways yet unseen. All I wish is to inspire people to seek for it from within themselves.

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